
Wang, Y. C., Nielsen, A., Pier, L., Ruzek, E., Tong, T., Lewis, K., & Atwood, J. (April 2023). Exploring how social-emotional learning and school climate are protective factors against learning loss during COVID. Roundtable presented at the 2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Health, Education, Equity, and Data Analytics Panel (Keynote speaker). (April 2022).

Women in Learning Analytics Panel. (March 2022).

Pier, L., Christian, M., Wang, Y. C., & Meyer, R. H. (September 2021). Learning lag and student well-being during COVID: Evidence from multiple assessments in two states. In R. Bowman (Discussant), Understanding changes in student progress during the COVID pandemic. Symposium presented at the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Conference.

Bookman, N., Pier, L., & Hough, H. J. (June 2021). COVID-19 impacts on student learning and well-being: Evidence from winter assessments in two states. Webinar recorded for Education Analytics, Madison, WI.

Dumas Wilks, J. J., Pier, L., & Valdespino-Gaytán, J. (May 2021). Knowing and addressing students’ social and emotional needs. Panel presented at the 74th Annual Education Writers Association National Seminar.

Finding a career in learning analytics research: Career Outlook with Dr. Libby Pier (March 2021).

Hough, H., Pier, L., Calhoun, D., Wolk, E., & Braun, K. (March 2021). Examining the evidence: Assessing student learning and social-emotional well-being. Webinar recorded for EducationWeek.

Hough, H., Pier, L., & Wilkenfeld, B. (March 2021). Evidence of student learning progress. Presentation given to the California Collaborative on District Reform (CCDR).

Pier, L., & Bookman, N. (March 2021). COVID-19 impacts on student learning and well-being in California. Presentation given to the Curriculum & Instruction Committee (CISC) of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA).

Hough, H., Kanopka, K., Lee, M. X., & Pier, L. (May 2020). Social emotional learning: Why it’s important and the impact of teachers and schools. Seminar presented at the 2020 Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) at Stanford University Conference, Sacramento, CA. (Note: This seminar was presented virtually due to COVID-19).

Meyer, R., Pier, L., Mader, J., & Rice, A., (April 2020). Quantifying the influence of classrooms on students’ SEL. In H. Hough (Chair), Causes and Consequences of Student Self-Reported SEL: Lessons from the CORE Districts. Symposium accepted to the 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (Note: This conference was canceled due to COVID-19).

Christian, M. S., Meyer, R. H., Pier, L., & Rice, A. B. (March 2020). Estimating school value-added from publicly available data. Paper presented at the 2020 Association for Education Finance and Policy 45th Annual Conference, Fort Worth, TX. (Note: This conference was held virtually due to COVID-19).

Meyer, R., Pier, L., Mader, J., Christian, M., Rice, A., Loeb, S., Fricke, H., & Hough, H. (November 2019). Can we measure classroom supports for social-emotional learning? Applying value-added models to student surveys in the CORE Districts. Presented as part of Webinar on new research on social-emotional learning from the CORE-PACE Research Partnership. Stanford, CA: Policy Analysis for California Education.

Hough, H., Calhoun, D., & Pier, L. (October 2019). Continuous improvement in the development and use of social-emotional learning measures: Lessons from large-scale survey administration in the CORE Districts. Session presented at the Social and Emotional Learning Exchange 2019. Chicago, IL: CASEL.

Steward, M., Dwyer, T., Rice, A., & Pier, L. (October 2019). SEL-ling Points: The value of social emotional learning data for educators and Ed-Fi. Session presented at the 2019 Ed-Fi Summit. Austin, TX: Ed-Fi Alliance.

Pier, L. (April 2019). Building comprehensive, longitudinal college and career readiness predictive analytics for the CORE districts. In B. Lord (Chair), Developing indicators to evaluate college and career readiness. Symposium presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.

Bookman, N., Pier, L., & Rice, A. (March 2019). Integrating SEL into Data Systems for Improvement. Presentation given at SXSW EDU 2019. Austin, TX: SXSW EDU.

Pier, E. L. (January 2019). Working Scientist podcast: Inside the NIH grant-review process [Audio podcast episode]. In Nature Careers Podcast. Nature.

Pier, E. L. (May 2018).  Social emotional learning in the CORE districts: Measurement and innovation. Talk presented to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Assessment Work Group (AWG). Chicago, IL: CASEL. 

Myers, B., Bookman, N., Rice, A.., & Pier, L. (June 2018). Social emotional learning as a factor in school performance and accountability. Interactive talk presented to the Lower Hudson Council of School Superintendents. Yorktown Heights, NY: Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES. 

Pier, E. L. (September 2017). Studying NIH grant peer review. Talk presented to the National Institutions of Health (NIH) Center for Scientific Review. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health.  

Carnes, M. & Pier, E. L. (September 2017). Studying NIH grant peer review. Talk presented to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Council of Councils. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health.

Pier, E. L. (September 2017). Collaborative discussion in grant peer review meetings increases intra-panel agreement but decreases inter-panel agreement. Talk presented at the UW-Madison Postdoctoral Research Symposium. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

NB. This talk was selected for the People's Choice Award, receiving the highest score from audience votes. View the talk here

Pier, E. L. (September 2017). Grants & gestures: What expert scientists’ hands can tell us about the scientific grant peer review process. Talk presented at the Bias Research to promote Equity and Diversity (BREAD) Group. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Pier, E. L., Raclaw, J., Ford, C. E.,  Kaatz, A., & Carnes, M. (March 2017). Collaborative discussion during NIH grant peer review improves internal agreement among reviewers, but exacerbates disagreement between different panels. In A. Kaatz & A. Cimpian (Co-Chairs), What we think, write, and say about science may influence scientific workforce diversity. Symposium presented at the 9th Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers. San Antonio, TX.

Pier, E. L. (December 2016). Subjectivity and variability in NIH R01 grant peer review: The role of Score Calibration Talk. Talk presented at the Bias Research to promote Equity and Diversity (BREAD) Group. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Pier, E. L., Raclaw, J., Kaatz, A., Carnes, M., & Ford, C. E. (November 2016). Group communication and interaction in the scientific peer review process: How score calibration talk influences reviewer reliability. Paper presented to the 102nd National Communication Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. 

Pier, E. L. (October 2016). Score Calibration Talk in scientific grant peer review. Talk presented at the 2016 Learning Sciences Research Symposium. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Pier, E. L., Raclaw, J., Kaatz, A., Brauer, M., Carnes, M., Nathan, M. J., and Ford, C. E. (October 2016). The fallibility of expert scientists: How Score Calibration Talk undermines fairness in the scientific peer review process. Poster presented at the 2016 Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois-Chicago.

Pier, E. L., Raclaw, J., Ford, C. E., & Nathan, M. J. (April 2016). Studying the study section: How collaborative decision making and videoconferencing impacts the grant peer review process. Poster presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Washington, D.C.

Raclaw, J., Pier, E. L., & Ford, C. E. (February 2016). “Score talk” and its impact: A conversation analytic investigation of reviewer interaction during NIH study section meetings. In C. Rankins (Chair), NIH Peer Review. Symposium presented at the 8th Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers. Philadelphia, PA.

Pier, E. L. (October 2015). Predicting valid mathematical proofs from students’ speech and gestures. Talk presented at the 2015 Learning Sciences Research Symposium. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Pier, E. L., Walkington, C. A., Boncoddo, R., Clinton, V., & Nathan, M. J. (April 2015). Show and tell: Using students' speech to predict dynamic gesture production during proof. Poster presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. 

Pier, E. L. (May 2014). The role of speech and gesture in student thinking and learning. Talk presented to the Goldin-Meadow Laboratory. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago.

Pier, E. L., & Nathan, M. J. (May 2014). Examining the impact of coordinating multiple representations on student learning and performance in digital electronics. Poster presented at the 2014 Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Discovery Challenge. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Pier, E. L., Walkington, C. A., Clinton, V., Boncoddo, R., & Nathan, M. J. (April 2014). Exploring computerized text analysis to predict the validity of students’ proof construction. Paper presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA.

Pier, E. L., Walkington, C., Boncoddo, R., Nathan, M., & Alibali, M. (April 2013). Investigating the learning impact of coordinating STEM representations in digital electronics. Paper presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA. [Video accessible here]